It's been a few weeks since we last posted and it's mainly because we have been flat out! Here are some photos!

Lily blogging & writing in between helping miss Bella learn all the time and being a cheeky-bean.
Bella's latest fad is "Because I love you". This she uses in response to just about everything.
"Why are you following me Bella?"
"Because I love you"
"Why are you feeding me playdoe you found on the floor?"
"Because I love you"

"Why are you not asleep yet Bella?"
"Because I love you and was waiting for you to get home... I love you sooooo much"

Another thing Bella is doing a lot of lately is hunting and finding bunny rabbits and crickets.... We also had fireflies earlier in the summer and they were a real treat! Putting them in jars and them becoming her best friend instantly.
"I love Mr Firefly, I want to hold and cuddle him!"
We have been exploring creativity and imagination also with masks, doctors toys (Bella loves to take our temperature and give us band aids and kisses to make us all better) and making things (a giraffe is her's and Lily's latest creation!

Grug is still her favourite book but Hairy Mclairy and Doc McStuffins are close equal seconds.
Bella also received her first BBF bracelet made my the kids next door. Our 6 and 11 year old neighbours both joust over who is Bella's best friend; meanwhile Bella is dodging hugs from everyone and being cheeky ;-)
Only two sleeps till Mimi and Gaga come! (Wendy & Mike) A week until Bella turns 3!