What a great ride of visitors Bella and I have had! So many great moments.
Mikey Gaga arrives in the US and straight away picks Bella up from school
Showing Mikey the best nitro draft latte in town
Off to Bella's ballet performance, with flowers for the star!
Mike snuck in to a tour of the Phillies baseball field tour with my professional body

Visiting Gaga at his hotel
Bounding, climbing and leaping... with a little help
Cheeky cheeks!
Old fashioned ice cream in Chestnut hill!
1st Grade Graduation!
Congrats Bella!!!!!
It's hot!!! Water fight time!
It's the Baseball, can't go without a hotdog.... that wouldn't be right
Mega slice reward after helping me move house... thanks Mikey
Karma.... a mates amazing Indian Resturant
Playground star right here
Nothing quite like an Avo mate
Someone lost a tooth!!
Finally we found our frozen yogurt.... down the Jersey shore
Showing Mikey my big machines at work.... they make power! And a hella a lot of noise
What's this damn parade blocking the street now??? Oh yeah 4th of July.... right out the front door
Mikey's always been fond of aircraft carriers but this one snuck up on him!
Monkeybar playdate!
Thanks Evan! That Maggot Brain record is gonna sound sweet back home!
Finally Bella can stay over :-)!! Horray!
I love climbing so much!!
PIRATES!!! Yarrrh mi hearties
Come on Dad, let's go riding!
Celebrating one win at a time
Pokemon cards forever!
The princess has returned
Here's a tree... let's climb...
Let's find the what's in here zoo... with friends!
Big sista Jill came to join the party
Time to chill in da hammocks by the river
Back to Karma we go... just the best food
Don't leave Gaga... don't go back to Aus
The crew
Time to show Jill what a Phillies baseball game is like! Loved it.
The best of subway buddies, and Jill makes a very comfortable seat!
Time to take on NYC! Bro and sis.
Brooklyn Represent!
That's one big..... one big symbol of freedom ha ha
Times Square you are one crazy B.
Nothing like breakfast at an old school diner
It's someones birthday and they're already feeling very comfortable in their new castle
New scooter too... awwwwsome
Birthday picnic in the park nextdoor to our place
First day as a 2nd Grader..... awwww so grown up!
Tickle fights forever!
College football game goers
Saturday morning hair day
It's never time to quit climbing
Or jumping right in
Jersey beach trip camping trip! Scary stories in the tent, getting sandy on the shore!
And looky here who came to visit!
Mimi's first school pick-up and a surprise for Mirabeau
Bella discovers puppy lovin!
Autumn arrives, as do fruit pies!
Happy after school pickups
So proud of this big girl's reading!
Fun on 4 wheels down by the Schuylkill
The girl loves to climb....
And climb!
Goodbye hot chocolate for Wendy in the local Italian deli
Sending out lots of love to those of you in Australia and abroad. We haven't forgotten you and will be sending you even more thoughts and love over the Silly Season. I know it's a big of a photo dump but I needed to catch up somehow :-)
Love Bella and Nick