Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A car at last! And just in time

After living in a car dominated part of the States for eight months it was finally time to buy a car... and after a lot of research and kicking a lot of tires Nick found a nice Toyota Camry for the Beales in USA.  A very clean gold-copper metallic coloured four door sedan.

We've done a couple of trips into Philadelphia and the car has proved a very reliable and efficient little trooper. On the 3rd night we had the car it decided to snow; good Nick hasn't been having to ride through the freezing rain....

Making the most of the warmer Fall weather before the cold hit!

 Bella enjoying the leaves and ploughing through them with her bike like a tractor

Making the most of the windy weather we have been having with Bella's cheeky money kite!

Love to everyone across the globe!

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