Friday, May 23, 2014

New York City...cha ching

Wednesday I spent a day in NYC taking in the atmosphere, networking and interviewing.  Was an early start to be on the train into town by 7:15 from Hamilton NJ taking the express service to Penn Station in the middle of Manhattan.  It is amazing how many people there are as soon as you get out of the train, there are street food and clothing stands in all the busy parts of the city.

I started  day in the North West corner of Central Park (Upper West Side), a place full of nice little cafes, pastry bakeries, book shops and Columbia University. Happened to be able to see the chaos from a graduation ceremony there.... So crazily stereotypical with the people throwing their graduation hats in the air; some students arriving my motorbike while other come in limos. Nearby is Cathedral Subway Station aptly named because of the amazing Cathedral nearby:

After taking the Subway a few stations a south I found myself in the West Village... High end cars, nice restaurants and expensive Real Estate characterise this area. I was here for a meeting for a potential job. If I am working in that area it would be pretty cool. 

After that it was straight downtown. To Battery Park City, West Hudson Park and the World Trade Centre 9/11 monuments:

So after a huge day I take the train back to Sicklerville, wishing that I could stay in the city... This little trip has wet my appetite for city living, particularly NYC city living ;-)  Sure it's dirty and gritty but there's just so much happening.  So much innovation, so many 20 something, 30 something startups and so much life on top of so much history.... An amazing mix of artists, financial resources and  people full of life.

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