Monday, October 6, 2014

Mike and Wendy are here: Número dos

So after Wendy and Mike were a little more settled into the USA swing of things (particularly with the crazy driving) the five of us headed further North to explore New England.  First stop Connecticut and Massachusetts; home of some impressive universities, awesomely wooded areas and amazing beaches.

Bella loved the opportunity sleep in the same room and "Mummydaddy"

And we managed to get in some of Beach time:

Building a sand castle in adverse condition:

Anti-wave yoga stance:

Given up on the castle

Lobster rolls and clam chowder were some of the highlights for sure and great to see amazing local cuisine.

From the beaches and coastal areas of Maine we ventured West to the Mountains of New Hampshire, Vermont and Northern New York where we stayed in various inspiring locations.  One was a Swiss style challet with an impressive waffle iron for the continental breakfast! 

And don't you love New Hampshire's licence place phrase:

Those mountains were beautiful!

Cable car ride of a lifetime!

Mike's awesome parking job!

Bells enjoying the rain:

It has been amazing to have Wendy and Mike sharing a great adventure with us.  Much love to them as get back into life back in Melbourne!

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