Monday, October 13, 2014

Mirabella bear

For those in Australia missing Bella this is a special post just for you.  These photos capture some of the moments over the last week or so.  From our casual visits to the local playground to Bella and Nick's awesome day exploring Philadelphia where we made a new playdate friend!

Bella the 3 year old is into climbing more and more... Monkey bars are the new favourite at the playground, that and climbing on everything in sight.  More than ever we are still getting our regular check ups from Doc Mira; the usual treatment is to send us all to sleep.... 

Another thing Bella has been exploring lately is the fact that she is made from a bit of Mummy and a bit of Daddy... 

"Daddy you made my hands white"

But one thing is for sure she still loves sleeping and her daily naps.

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